Basic Skill & Technique Bundle
Learn a selection of Basic Skill & Techniques with our Guest and House Chefs. (Saving £150).
Here are all the products that are included in your bundle.
All Courses, Skills & Techniques
House Chef Nina Wilson teaches you how to make Sushi. Nigiri, Maki, Temaki Sushi & an Inside out Sushi Roll.
All Courses, Skills & Techniques
Guest Chef Sally Abé teaches you how to make Prawn Mousse.
All Courses, Skills & Techniques
Guest Chef Jules Cooking teaches you how to make Langoustine Tartare.
All Courses, Skills & Techniques
Guest Chef Sally Abé teaches you how to make Caramelised White Chocolate Aero.
All Courses, Skills & Techniques
House Chef Nina Wilson teaches you how to make 3 Canapés. Dill Blinis with Salmon Caviar &; Lemon Crème Fraiche, Mushroom &; Truffle Gyoza &; Sticky Lamb Meatballs.